Someone asked me the other day what my favorite age group was to photograph. Although I adore (most) of my brides and love the newborns, my favorite subject’s to photograph are my own children. Two girls. Abigail & Sophie; ages 3 & 5. It’s funny because I have beautiful photos of my girls photographed in my studio or on photo shoot’s while abroad, however I don’t have any photos documenting my children in the day-to-day. Photos from the first day of school, in their costumes every year at Halloween or dressed up for their dance recitals are all moments that I simply did not capture with my camera. They are memories that I hold tight in my heart, but unfortunately for my girls, they will not have any photos of these little moments to help preserve the memories of their childhood. I suppose it’s a trade off. Instead of having boxes full of old, dusty photos to sift through when they are older, they instead will have a handful of artistic pieces, capturing their personalty at varies stages in their lives. Heirlooms that they will pass down to their grandchildren. Posted are a few images that I cherish most. My favorites images, of my best models.