Okay, so when I say it rained on Saturday, I mean it really rained.  For those of you who live in Florida and know how hard it can rain, you may have a good idea as to exactly how wet it was on Courtney & TJ’s wedding day.  Sometimes it rains so hard down here that you cannot see 8 feet in front of you.  Well, this was one of those rainstorms.  

So, the beach ceremony was moved to a back porch, which was then moved inside to the one of the ballrooms since the rain was coming down sideways. This was all moments before Courtney was to walk down the aisle.  Lucky for them, The La PLaya Resort has the most beautiful ballrooms in Naples.  The photo of their “first kiss” in front of the fabulous mirror was taken in one of these magnificent ballrooms. Courtney & TJ took the (multiple) location change in stride.  They were so easy going and just went with the flow.  And at the end of the day, it is not the rain they will remember, but their beautiful ceremony and each other on their wedding day.  

Fortunately for me, The La Playa Resort has so many amazing places to photograph that are sheltered, that we were able to create some stunning photos from their day: