My oh my has it ever been the week for family beach portraits!  Everyone is visiting over Spring Break so the roads are clogged, the restaurants full and my calendar is booked solid (yeah!)  So it would only make sense that a full schedule would coincide with THE COLDEST WEEK OF THE YEAR!  I mean, come on!  45 degrees and winds that won’t quit with two sessions a day on the beach, makes for one unhappy photographer.  However, all my clients have been so accommodating and truth be told, the imagery we’ve been getting is absolutely gorgeous.  Tom, the young man in these photos, has officially stolen my heart with his fantastic yellow sweater.  The vibrancy of his sweater truly makes these family photos pop.  People worry about yellow on the beach and my answer to them is stopping worrying and go for it.  You can see how well it translates below.  Go Tom!  Thanks for reminding me this week how much I love a pop of color.