Well, the one thing you can count on during the summer here in Florida are the afternoon thunderstorms. And I’m not talking about just a little rain sprinkled here and there– I’m talking HUGE thunderstorms. Flooding in the streets, lighting striking everywhere, and thunder that makes you jump out of your skin. But as fast as they come on–POOF– they are gone. The afternoon of this shoot, you could literally see the storm coming. It moved it’s way down the beach, but gave us a good 30 minutes before completely soaking us and having us all run for shelter. The weather didn’t look great from the moment we arrived on the beach, so I was surprised to see the beach filled with at least 15 cameramen when we arrived. Come to discover that #GovernorScott also had a commercial shoot scheduled for that afternoon on the same beach I was working. I chuckled to myself that the cameraman and staff working the Governor’s shoot needed 15-20 people to manage two adults– The Governor and his wife– and yet I managed to handle 7 adults and 3 small kids with just me and my assistant. I hate to point out the obvious, but sometimes a woman really can do the work of 10 men….