When determining WHERE to set up “The Family Portrait”, so many of us overlook what is generally right under our nose… our own home.  Sometimes the comfort of your own house works best (especially for young children who many a little more cautious when exploring a new location).  There is just something so special about having portraits done in your own space.

People used to equate “Home Portraits” with something vert stuffy and traditional in front of a fire place on up a staircase.  But as you can see below, the “Contemporary Home Portrait” is anything but stuffy and in fact feels, more warm and inviting to me.  I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to grab a glass of Chardonnay and head out to the pool to hang out with this family below.  You can get a real sense as to WHO a family is when you catch them at their most comfortable and relaxed.  What do I see below?  Love & Warmth.  And at the end of the day, that for me, is a job well done.

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