What makes a great family portrait?  The clothes?  The love?  The location and lighting?  Maybe a little bit of everything in my opinion.  It’s always a collaboration between me (the photographer) and my clients in order to get great images and it certainly all came together perfectly for this sunrise session at the Naples Botanical Gardens last week.  And it certainly doesn’t hurt that everyone in this family is simply gorgeous!

This sweet mother certainly picked the perfect outfits for everyone.  All the colors work so well together and yet everyone’s personality is able to shine through.  This is what I mean when I say “color balance”.   Nothing is matchy-matchy and yet it all blends and works so well together.  What happens when you dress everyone slightly differently is that your eye is allowed to bounce around from person-to-person easier in the frame than if everyone was dressed completely the same.  When everyone is dressed exactly the same, your eye isn’t sure what to look at.  This versatility just allows for a little more interest is all.

heather donlanBosworth, Jessica (11.06.13)3463_HDP046-Edit

naples photographerBosworth, Jessica (11.06.13)3355_HDP025-Edit