Last week marks a year since my son was born. He spent his first 10 days in the NICU, and if I ever thought 9 months of pregnancy was long, those first 10 days after he was born felt like an absolute eternity. It’s been a full year, and I am just now finally able to look at pictures of him with tubes everywhere, my fragile little bird, and not burst out in tears. It didn’t take long however once we got him home for our family of 4 to quickly expand and adjust to life as a family of 5.
And now as I look back at how quickly this year went, I am not only overcome with love for my little boy, but feel such joy for how he has carved out a space for himself in this family. I love listening to my girls read him a book through the baby monitor when they think I am not around and I love knowing that the dog has learned that the best place to sit at any meal is under the baby. These are small little tidbits, insignificant to everyone else, and yet are what make my life so happy.
So Hudson thank you for bringing so much love, laughter and joy to this family. Your dimples are simply infectious! We have had so much fun getting to you know this past year and are excited for all the fun thigs to come!
Below are some photos of my sweet boy over the past year. Thanks to my dear friend and amazing photographer,
Sarah Petty for the priceless images of me and Hudson here in the studio with him at one month and thank you to Lisa Prystash of
Willow Hollow Photography for the stunning images of me and Hudson around 6 months.

Thanks to my dear friend and fabulous photographer, Sarah Petty for the follow two images of me and Hudson taken here in my studio.

My boys.

My best assistant…

The happiest baby.

Thanks to Lisa Prystash of Willow Hollow Photography for these stunning images of my and Hudson around 6 months.

How did I miss this post! What a cutie pie
Such tender photos capturing the love you have for your baby. These are precious moments and you are truly blessed to have such joyful children. Enjoy this extraordinary time with those you love…..
These are wonderful photos and very heart warming. But the most fantastic of all is the b/w of you leaning over Hudson as he grabs our cheeks. More than a thousand words. xoxo