Today I want to discuss the benefits of shooting in various locations during your photo sessions.  Let me start by saying that moving locations is not always super easy, so I tend to not offer this option unless I’m working with a small groups.  Changing up the location is absolutely perfect for a High School Senior or maybe a small group of 2-3 siblings.  Changing the scenery keeps everyone fresh.  As the photographer, I get a rush of creativity when I change up the backgrounds.  I have to re-examine my light and scout the best backdrop to use.  It keeps my mind working and doesn’t allow me to get lazy mid-shoot.  Moving locations also breathe’s fresh life into your model, who after 30 minutes may also be getting a little tired working in the same location.

I met this young woman last year when her family booked me for a family portrait session.  I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work with her one-on-one a few weeks back.  She is as every bit beautiful on the inside as she is on the out.  I’ve attached various images below of how I worked with her in 3 different locations, with also stopping along the side of the road to incorporate a 4th backdrop for her.  All this was done in under 2 hours of time.  So these multiple location shoots do not have to be super time consuming. I work very efficiently, all the while capturing beautiful imagery for her.

Another benefit of shooting is multiple spots is getting to take advantage of how the sun changes and different lighting situations.  The images below were photographed for a sunrise session.  Living here on the West Coast of Florida, I always start my sunrise sessions on the beach.  But after 45 minutes, the sun is already high and bright on the beach.  I swear, the sun shines so bright here in Florida that 90 minutes after sunrise should be considered mid-day light.  So by setting up my session to include areas that provide shade, it allows me to work longer into that mid-day window.

With my seniors, I actually like to drive them around with me.  The down time when we are driving from spot to spot allows me more time to get to know my model and connect with them on a personal level.  This rapport helps my subjects feel more comfortable in front of the camera, giving more relaxed and genuine imagery.

Take a look and let me know what you think!


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