What makes a great family portrait?  Is it how people are posed?  Is everyone dressed in the same color?  Does it have to be formal or can it be more light-hearted and fun?  The good news is that now if days, portraiture can be whatever you, the client, likes. Traditionally, family portraits were always so stiff and formal.  But over the years, there has been some life breathed into the art of the portrait and it now cane take on so many different styles.  I personally feel that lighting and posing are still key to a good family portrait.  You have to have strong fundamentals of a good photograph in order to get a good photograph, but beyond that, location, dress and of course attitude is all up to the family.  After all, the art work is hanging in your house, not mine.  See below the five different set-ups we did on the beach with one family the other night.  Anyone want to take a guess as to which one the family ordered?