We spent the past weekend out in The Florida Everglades with friends and clients.  I’d be lying if I said it was all work.  In fact, the Florida Everglades are so near and dear to my heart, that it hardly feels like “work” at all when I’m out there.  It’s quiet and peaceful and I forget everything else swirling around my head when I’m knee deep in the water and I am just able to focus on the imagery at hand.  Here are a few shots from our time out there this weekend.  The little Miss in these photos absolutely blew me away with her poise and confidence out there.  She must love being submerged in nature as much as me, because she never hesitated when taking my crazy direction, even at the end of the day when she was neck deep in water.  She took it all in stride and we have beautiful images as a result.

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Some behind the Scenes Photos of our day:

Pushing the airboat from getting wedged in between some trees.

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Cooling off at The Swimming Hole.

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Little Miss Model being piggybacked out to the spot to be photographed.

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We were not out there at midnight… But she was out there until dark. She was brave, confident and poised and so many things I myself at 40 still strive to be:)

WOW! It’s MJ! Beautiful.

I showed Skye these awesome photos and his only comments were:
“Was she really out at midnight?” and “I want to do that.”