Oh how I love these sisters!  And not just because of how sweet they are with each other in these photos, but I spend a lot of time with these girls are they are so special to me.  Which is why I had so much fun shooting them in the studio last week.  This family was one of my first client’s when I moved to Naples, so it’s been really wonderful watching these girls grow over the past 7 years.  I sound like I’m 80 years old  when I say I can’t believe how grown up they have become but it’s true!!  I look at big sister, Alyssa, and can’t believe my eyes!  The lanky little girl I met years ago is all gone and what’s left is this extraordinary young woman.  How lucky and I to be able to be a part of watching not only my own children blossom and grow, but the children of my client’s and friends as well.